
It’s important that seniors stay active and socially engaged as they age. However, as we get older, that can be harder, especially if we have lost a friend or loved one. At Angels on Call, we focus on strategies to keep seniors active and engaged through in-home care in Philadelphia. Here are some of the things we do to help your loved ones and some tips to motivate seniors to stay involved.

Offer Companionship

If your loved one has been isolated for any period of time because of their health, the weather, or the loss of someone close, it can be hard to get out and be social again. Start by offering them companionship so they’re not alone. Sometimes we all need a little time before we begin to socialize again. That’s okay. Make sure your loved one isn’t alone during that time.

Senior Companionship
Senior Companionship

Start Small

Whether you’re encouraging physical activity or social involvement, start small. Make a few goals that are easy to manage and reach to build confidence and keep from overwhelming your senior. Physical activity can start as small as a few stretches a day. Socialization goals can start as simple as a daily walk up and down the street.

Be Affirming

Encourage your loved one to share stories and express themselves. Be affirming of those expressions, as this will help reaffirm their identity, value, and accomplishments. Likewise, if your loved one expresses interest in or belongs to the LGBTQIA+ community (even if that appears to be new to you), be affirming. Perhaps it is something new that has come with the changes of aging, or perhaps they feel free to express themselves. In either case, having a loved one express support and affirmation is just as important for older generations as it is for younger ones. 

Encourage Technology Use

We worry so much about the effects of technology that we often forget just what it gives us. Seniors can find community, entertainment, and even education online, so encourage them to explore new technologies and grow comfortable with them. 

Learn Their Interests and Hobbies

Your senior loved one has a variety of interests and hobbies they’ve developed over the years. Even if you know some of them, encourage them to talk about their interests. You may discover something new or something that they haven’t done in a long time that can motivate them to become more active or social.

Senior Interests and Hobbies
Senior Interests and Hobbies

Be Ready to Assist

Depending on your loved ones’ age and physical abilities, they may have trouble getting to places to socialize. Be ready and willing to help your loved one get out into the community. Sometimes, all it takes is someone willing to take them to church or a book club. 

Be Patient

While it is important that your loved one is active and socializes, it’s important that you’re patient with them. This is especially true if they’re recovering from illness or experienced loss recently. Remember our tips about starting small and beginning with companionship. If your loved one has been inactive and isolated for any reason, it’s important to help them set a pace their comfortable with and can grow from. 

Are You Looking for Elderly Care Services in Philadelphia? 

Angels on Call is here for your family. Contact us to talk about your loved one’s needs and set up a free in-home consultation.